In One Accord Ministries Inc.

In One Accord Ministries Incorporated

The winds of change have been blowing…….

We have left the umbrella of Love INC due to changes at their corporate level and have a new name (In One Accord Ministries Incorporated) with the same services to assist local residents. Our telephone numbers are the same; only our name has changed!

Contact Information:

Main number: 814-652-0025

Fax number: 814-652-0021


Check back often as we add content to our website.

We are looking for volunteers! We especially need a volunteer with 3-4 hours per week who has a good understanding of QuickBooks to assist the ministry center with book-keeping. You must be bonded and insured or have the ability to do so. Mentoring is available for this volunteer position. Call us at 814-652-0025 extension 3 and leave a message if we are not available to answer the phone.

If you have some time on Tuesdays or Thursdays and enjoy volunteering and working with the public, we are looking for help in our Garage Sale Building. Call us at 814-652-0025 extension 3 to learn more about this volunteer opportunity!